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Material MkDocs Lighthouse Performance Score

Is MkDocs as fast as the trendier static site generators available today? I measured the Lighthouse performance (Core Web Vitals) score of this blog built with the static site generator MkDocs (Material theme)

While I was evaluating static site generators, I came across a popular tool called Eleventy. It's a "simpler static site generator" written in javascript that's intentionally not tied to any particular javascript framework or templating language.

At least partially through these attributes it's attracted a minimalist and performance oriented culture, epitomized by the official Eleventy Performance Leaderboard - a global ranking of Lighthouse scores for websites created with Eleventy. My favorite project built with Eleventy that I've found so far is @cramforce's high-performance-blog template.

This got me thinking, how fast is Material MkDocs?

Fast 🚀 🚀 🚀

LightHouse Score ScreenShot

  • See the results running a Lighthouse test against this blog.
  • The Diagnostics section had some suggestions, which I'll tackle soon.
  • Obviously this blog doesn't have much content or images, but this is a great starting point.