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Setup Instructions



Starting From Scratch

  1. Clone this repository locally.

    git clone 
    cd mkdocs-blog-template
  2. Setup Dependencies

    # recommended to use a venv.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Add a new blog post anywhere under the /blog directory and append the required metadata.

    # A helper command will do this for you.
    cp first_post.txt docs/blog/2021/
  4. Add this new post to the mkdocs.yml navigation configuration.

      - Home:
      - Blog:
          - blog/
          - 2021:
              - blog/2021/
              - blog/2021/
          - subtopic:
              - blog/subtopic/
              - blog/subtopic/
  5. Configure the templates.

        dir: blog
        author: Ryan Kelly
        words_read_per_minute: 300
        list_length: 25
        extended_preview: true
  6. Start MkDocs and look at your new page in the browser!

    mkdocs serve
    Browser connected:

Adding A Blog To An Existing Site

  1. Copy + Paste the directory /overrides into your site.
  2. Copy + Paste the directory /docs/stylesheets into your site.
  3. Add the following line to your theme section in mkdocs.yml.

      custom_dir: overrides
  4. Add the following line to your mkdocs.yml to apply the custom styles.

      - stylesheets/extra.css
  5. Configure the templates (instructions below).


This template extension exposes the following variables to configure your blog.

  dir: blog
  author: Ryan Kelly
  words_read_per_minute: 300
  list_length: 25
  extended_preview: true
dir (optional)

Sets the directory where your blog posts are located (blog, posts, articles, etc.). Defaults to blog.

author (optional)

If set, the author will be rendered in the signature.

author_image (optional)

If set, the author_image will be rendered in the signature.

words_read_per_minute (optional)

Used to estimate the read time in the signature. Defaults to 300.

list_length (optional)

Determines the number of blog posts to show in the blog_list.html template. Defaults to 25.

extended_preview (optional)

If set, the blog_list.html template will render a preview of the post content. Any content in your blog post above the special <p hidden>#more</p> tag will be shown in the preview. You can manually place this tag anywhere within your blog post.

Configuring The Signature

The signature is configured by:

Configuring A Blog List

  • After following the quickstart, add this template metadata to any page that you want to display a list of blog posts.
template: blog_list.html

Add any markdown content here, the blog list will be displayed below it.

Configuring A Blog Post

  • After following the quickstart, add this template metadata to the page that you want to become a blog post.
  • Any content in your blog post above the special <p hidden>#more</p> tag will be shown in the preview.
    • You can manually place this tag anywhere within your blog post.
template: blog_post.html
title: Cool post
description: Informative description
date: 1984-01-01

This content will be present in the `blog_list.html` template preview.

<p hidden>#more</p>

More content

Will be rendered in the HTML <title> tag, and sets an <h2> tag in your blog post and blog list.


Will be rendered in the HTML <meta description> tag, and sets a description under the title in your blog post and blog list.

Expected format: YYYY-MM-DD, rendered in the signature


  • I've used a lot of markdown extensions to document the instructions, but they aren't all required.